Winter Weather Days

Be sure to call the library at 596-0022 before venturing out to the library on days when there is considerable snow to be plowed. Our parking lot may be cleared but our volunteers may not be able to get out of their driveways so it's best to check. We will not consider books overdue if we're closed, and you won't be charged a fine.

In the meantime, on days when you head to the store to stock up for an upcoming storm, don't forget to stop by the library and stock up on books to keep you company while you're snowed in. They don't require any power, except if you want to stay up late to finish a good one- then you'll need that trusty flashlight under the covers!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Trying to fill Marilyn's shoes

Hello's truly an honor to be asked by the Selectmen to serve as the Director of the South Thomaston Public Library.  No one can ever replace Marilyn in our hearts, but you should know that there is a dedicated and talented group of volunteers who are determined to make sure that our town continues to enjoy first class library service.

Since I haven't had the opportunity to meet all of you yet, I'd like to take a moment to introduce myself.  I'm Tina Branco, and I've been the library's 'computer geek' for the past 2 or 3 years. My husband Bob and I moved here in 2003 to get away from the noise, pollution and general hustle bustle of the Washington DC area.  My two adult children, and my only granddaughter, still live in that area.

I have a master's degree in library science from Catholic University (where I concentrated in public library administration), and I worked for over 35 years for a major non-profit, the last 15 years being spent as their director of volunteers.  I also am a book reviewer, reading about 3-5 books a week.  My book reviews are posted on a blog called Tutu's Two Cents.  Many of the free books I get to review end up on the shelves of the South Thomaston Library.  Reading all those books gives me some good ideas for recommendations to all of you who come to the library.

Besides reading, I love doing counted cross-stitch, water aerobics, audio books, cooking, and walking through the beautiful Maine countryside. 

Our group of volunteers, including our now official Children's Librarian Penny Alley, are ready and willing to help you find what you need (and maybe something you don't need but just want) at the library.  If we don't have it at the little red schoolhouse, we can get it free of charge from another Maine library.

Please stop by.. Marilyn would want you to continue to make this the best library in Mid-Coast Maine.

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